Innovation Cluster specialises in connecting startups, investors, corporates, industry, researchers and government.
Find out how to set up the right governance model for business growth
Last chance to secure a spot in this interactive workshop to gain valuable individual feedback and hear first-hand experiences of industry professionals!
Speakers announced for
Sustainable Industries event
We’re excited to announce the inspiring speakers who will share their insights into growing next-generation industries and economies.
Click button below to check out the packed agenda including options to tour leading edge sustainable businesses Rocky Ridge Brewery and Capel Marron Farm, plus networking sundowner!
Applications opening soon!
The 2023 CONNECT Sustainable Industries program includes a free BUSINESS INCUBATOR. Are you a motivated entrepreneur based in the South West with a sustainability focused startup who is keen to learn from business experts and connect to new networks? Please click the button below and get the latest updates!
Attention: WA-based businesses in the
agri-food and beverage sector
ScaleUPWA is a tailored program for existing WA-based businesses in the agri-food and beverage sector. - Deep dive strategic business modelling for growth with subject matter experts.
- Themed masterclasses with leading practitioners, delivered in-person or virtually. - Areas include IP, marketing, branding, traditional and non-traditional sources of funding.
- Learn about being investor ready, trade, and global market opportunities. - Matched with best practice partners and experienced mentors. - Access to networks, connections with warm introductions, and opportunities to participate in diverse events.
Taking the mystery out of marketing
Innovation Cluster is proud to be a Supporting Series Partner for Inspire + Collaborate. If you’re seeking greater clarity and direction when it comes to marketing your business, join us at the next Inspire + Collaborate event on Wednesday May 24th at Innovation Cluster's new training, co-working and production space, The SET. More info and to register click here
Inaugural Australian Agritech Investor Showcase & Awards
AusAgritech has publicly advocated for the advancement of the Australian Agritech sector, and the association’s development of this Investor Showcase and Awards program aims to accelerate agritech in Australia and on the worldwide stage. This exciting flagship event is on June 15th in Sydney. Find out more here
HARVEST cohort announced!
📣We are excited to announce our cohort for HARVEST 2023, which is now in its 6th year of supporting innovative WA agtech startup businesses!
This week the cohort will be immersed in thier 2-day Business Bootcamp at Muresk Institute, WA’s skills hub for modern agriculture, where they will attend expert faciliated sessions, farm tours and fireside networking!
Southern Ports Iron Ore Circuit Hackathon
What an incredible week-long Southern Ports Iron Ore Loading Circuit Hackathon event! It was so exciting to watch seven talented teams come together, with the perfect mix of data scientists, students, researchers, industry professionals and developers.
A special shout out to the Innovation Central Perth team the Southern Ports Team for being incredible to work with to bring all of this together over the last few months. Keep an eye out on our socials to hear which team manages to secure first place!
Entrepreneurship Facilitation Update
City of Swan Business Model Workshops
In collaboration with the City of Swan, through the Workforce Australia for Business Entrepreneurship Facilitator Program, Innovation Cluster are excited to invite registered small businesses located in the City of Swan to attend a free workshop with Peter Clarke and Ash Roberts to help your business survive and thrive! If you are looking for support to grow your business, attract more customers and increase your profitability, please join us at the workshop location/date that is best for you!
Interested in learning more about this free service, or to access a 1:1 in-person or online appointment? Please complete the 'Get in Touch' form
Australian agtech businesses and the US market: Roundtable hosted by US Consul General
Australian agtech businesses interested in the US market were provided valuable tips and recommendations last week as US Commercial Service and Innovation Cluster ran a virtual roundtable session. US Consul General Perth Siri Nair hosted the session, with David Messina (Rumin8) and Andrew Coppin (Farmbot) offering insights into their experiences doing business in the US. Expert advice was provided by Blair Lucas (Acclime) and Patrick Fazzone (Washington Global Law). For the full blog post click here
Perth announced as host city for
AgriFutures evokeAG. 2024!
Following a sell-out 2023 event in Adelaide, evokeAG. organiser AgriFutures Australia in partnership with the Western Australian Government has announced the event will take place in Perth on Tuesday, 20 and Wednesday, 21 February. evokeAG is the Asia Pacific region’s premier agrifood tech event. Since 2019, through a two-day event and an online community, AgriFutures Australia has brought together the agrifood tech ecosystem to connect and facilitate collaboration between farmers, innovators, investors, researchers, corporates, and government. Get latest news and updates on evokeAG here
New Bachelor of Innovation
Curtin University has launched a new full-time three-year Bachelor of Innovation undergraduate program, aimed at equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the rapidly evolving world of business!
The program, which will be offered online and on-campus, will cover a wide range of topics, including entrepreneurship, design thinking, and technology innovation. Students will also have the opportunity to undertake hands-on projects and work with industry partners to gain practical experience.
Innovation Cluster's HARVEST Alumni receive
Accelerating Commercialisation Grants
AgriGard - a unique fire monitoring and suppression system for combine harvesters
TechNoL was awarded an Accelerating Commercialisation grant of $300,000 in matched funding under the Australian Government’s Entrepreneurs Programme. TechNoL is commercialising AgriGard, which is a unique advanced fire monitoring and suppression technology. It can sense potential fires on a combine harvester quickly and more accurately and, if triggered, uses a safe suppressant that doesn’t require days to clean, thereby substantially reducing the time to get back to harvesting.
Agora: Cutting the fat out of Australian livestock markets
Agora was awarded an Accelerating Commercialisation grant of $550,000 in matched funding under the Australian Government’s Entrepreneurs Programme.The Agora platform was established in 2018, specifically for the livestock industry, to break down the barriers between livestock sellers, agents and buyers. Since then it has evolved from a service that simply shared livestock prices, to an online platform providing price discovery and market access for Australia’s cattle, sheep and goat markets.
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