
It was an inspiring day in the regions at the South West’s newest event destination Sabina River Farm where MC Myles Pollard led an exploration into future industries in blue economy, creative tech and sustainable agriculture. Ground breaking sustainability solutions were unveiled to a crowd of over 100 with startups from the CONNECT Sustainable Industries program showcasing their innovative businesses. Read more here
Would you like to be involved in or attend the 2024 Innovation Summit? Please email us to be added to our list:
Upcoming Events & Free Workshops
Finish 2023 with an innovation focus session to set yourself up for a strategic start to 2024!

Join us at the SET, a new training, coworking and events venue in Vasse for these free workshops:

Facilitated by Natasha Teakle, Innovation Cluster's Managing Director and experienced trainer in business strategy, commercialisation and innovation, and WA Innovator of the Year judge.
Youth Entrepreneurship Scholarships
We are excited to announce a new program - Future Founders! With the support of our amazing partners we are offering 10 entrepreneurship scholarships to City of Busselton locals aged 16-25.

We are looking for young people who have an awesome idea for a new product or service and need to know best next step, 
or already have a startup business and want to know how to grow it to take it to the next level.  They can even be working in a business and have innovative ideas to change things up!

Scholarship recipients will receive $5000 worth of training plus a $1000 completion bursary to support your startup business costs or other professional development activities.

Would you like youth entrepreneurship scholarships offered in your locality? Contact us now to let us know!
evokeAG South West Investor Tour
As part of the evokeAg Conference being held in Perth, a tour to the southwest of WA will provide a unique opportunity to showcase talent to interstate and international investors. This tour will connect Agtech start-ups to investors, in an immersive tour of the beautiful Margaret River wine region.
Saturday 18th February 2024
Exclusive 10% discount off West Tech Fest
West Tech Fest is Australia’s longest running tech and innovation festival providing opportunities for the local startup and tech community to connect with and hear from global leaders as they share insights into how to grow a successful business.
We are delighted to offer our community an exclusive 10% discount off the price of tickets to West Tech Coast and West Tech Main.
To access the discount, just use the code WTFSATELLITE23 at checkout.
For Food's Sake
Prepare to embark on a journey through the latest industry trends and cutting-edge research shaping the future of food at For Food’s Sake.
- full-day Summit at the amazing Boola Katitjin building at Murdoch University with panels and speakers representing research, government and industry covering a range of topics, from the future food menu to value-adding and automation.  
- Gala Dinner at the prestigious 6HEAD restaurant located in the Chevron building at Elizabeth Quay.
- Series of tours, including the opening of the state-of-the-art Food Technology Facility at the Food Innovation Precinct Western Australia (FIPWA).
22-23 February 2024
Register for Gulfood, FOODEX Japan and FHA Singapore
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development supported by Invest and Trade WA international offices, is coordinating WA participation in Gulfood (including a trade mission to Saudi Arabia), FOODEX Japan, and Food and Hotel Asia Singapore in 2024.
Complete your registration via the links below by Monday 20 November 2023.
Gulfood 19-23 February 2024 Register
25-26 February 2024         
FOODEX Japan  5-8 March 2024  Register
Food Hotel Asia Singapore 23-26 April 2024   Register
Agriculture Traceability Panel Discussion & AgTech Innovation Demonstrations
This pivotal event will connect and unite over 100 international, national and local attendees across the agriculture & livestock sectors including investors, primary producers, industry stakeholders, AgTech innovators and evokeAg delegates.
Thursday 22nd February 2024
Agrifood and Beverage Voucher Program Open
Are you looking to grow your Food or Beverage manufacturing business?
Do you need expertise in the areas of business planning, manufacturing for growth, sales & marketing, financial health or environmental sustainability?
Apply for up to two vouchers with a combined maximum value of $20 000 to engage a consultant or technical expert.
Visit the WA Agrifood and Beverage Voucher Program website.
Applications close 5pm Monday 04 December 2023.
Innovation Cluster specialises in connecting startups, investors, corporates, industry, researchers and government.

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Innovation Cluster
1/25 Burler Drive
Vasse Western Australia 6280

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